Singly Linked list C program :create insertion deletion search display

C Program πŸ‘‡

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

struct node


    int data;

    struct node *next;


struct node *head,*p=NULL;

void create(int d)


    struct node *newnode=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));














void display()


    struct node *temp=head;

    if (head==NULL)


        printf("the list is empty");



    printf("the list elements are : \n");



        printf("%d ",temp->data);





void inp(int pos,int d)


    struct node *ptr,*p=head;

    int i;

    ptr=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));






















void dele(int pos)


    int i=0;

    struct node *p,*temp=head;



        printf("list is empty.\n");
















                printf("less elements are there.\n");








    printf("%d node is deleted.",pos);


void see(int d)


    struct node *temp=head;

    int i=1,c=0;

    if (temp==NULL)


        printf("list is empty.\n");







            printf("%d present at %d node.\n",d,i);








        printf("search unsuccessful.\n");



int main()


    int i,n,d,pos,data,op,co=1;

    printf("enter no of elements : ");




        printf("enter %d node element : ",(i+1));







        printf("  2.delete  3.insert 4.traversal\n");

        printf("what operation do you want to perform:");




            case 1:

                printf("enter the element you want to find: ");





            case 2:

                printf("enter the position of element you want to delete : ");





            case 3:

                printf("enter the data and position : ");





            case 4:




                printf("enter a valid key...\n");


       printf("enter 1 to continue or 0 to stop : ");







    return 0;


Output : 

Comment what you want.

Happy codingπŸ™‚.


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